The CISaustralia Experience
CISaustralia is an organisation approved by the University of Melbourne to provide overseas study programs for interested University students. It is dedicated to providing students with innovative, high quality overseas study, internship and volunteer experiences while promoting global awareness, inspiring personal growth and developing engaged world citizens. For a full list of CISaustralia co-ordinated semester-long programs, please click here.
What are the dates?
Dates vary according to the various program offerings.
How much does it cost?
These options are open to students only as study abroad. Participants are responsible for financing the experience. Please read each program description on the CISaustralia webpage for a full breakdown of associated costs.
There is funding not only through the University of Melbourne but CIS also has some funding opportunities.
How much credit can be earned?
Credit toward your degree may be possible for participants undertaking this experience. The credit that could be awarded would be between 12.5 and 50 points for semester-long programs in consultation with the Course Planning Team at Stop 1.
What about accommodation?
Please read each program description on the CISaustralia webpage for a full explanation of accommodation possibilities.
How do I proceed?
You are required to organise your application independently through CISaustralia. You must meet the usual
eligibility criteria to participate in this program. To begin:
Step 1: register above to get approval to participate from Stop 1. Do NOT apply directly to CISaustralia until you first have been approved by the University of Melbourne.
Step 2: when your application has been assessed and approved by Stop 1, you can then contact CISaustralia directly to organise your application for the approved program.
Step 3: once your application to CIS has been accepted, request through ask.unimelb for your enrolment to be changed at Melbourne to reflect that you will be doing this overseas study.
Students wanting to complete a full semester study abroad program with CISaustralia should use the Study Abroad application form.